Friday, 4 February 2011

Artefact 1: Evaluation

A survey was conducted to discover what the underlying contributing factors are that hinder a user’s internet experience on a hand-held device. The survey was targeted at over eighteens and was distributed though the online survey manager InstantSurvey. This allowed for multiple branching systems; which provided a quick responsive way of sectioning questions based on user responses.

The survey was structured into segments to divide hand-held device internet users from none-internet users. I would then be able to identify individual problems that user’s encountered whilst using the internet. I could have improved this by adding more questions to gather extensive information on users, with whom, don’t use hand-held devices.

The survey resulted in finding out that the more frequent internet users on hand-held devices thought that ‘speed’ was the main problem when performing tasks. This however remained constant with the participants who didn’t use the internet on their device as frequently. Another interesting outcome was that less frequent users when asked ‘if they would like the view full websites on devices’ resulted in no responses. This shows that the majority of participants don’t expect to view all content of an original desktop website.

If the artefact was to be repeated, I would have changed the questions to be more specific and detail such areas as browsers and certain devices they use. This would have resulted in having individual devices and being able to identify the associated problems. It would also provide useful feedback to which devices to use for my next project.

The next artefact will be based around speed on internet browsers and their effect on hand-held devices. I will be creating an application using Android and building with HTML5; this will be analysed using cameras and will be tested in focus groups.

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