Thursday 7 April 2011

Modx - Gallery 1

My clients website requires a gallery which not only is different on each page, it has to have a 'Lightbox' effect and make each individual picture appear as a Hexagon shape (to mach the theme). This can be achieved through using MaxiGallery.

The problem with using this is that it took a while to get used to the terminology of each individual parameter provided. Due to copyright infringement, im going to have to include a template which will cover the 'Big' picture viewed in Lightbox. According to Maxigallery documentation, i could achieve this. So I created a 'Image mask' which sat on top. The problem with this is that the original picture uploaded would appear venerable as you can simply 'right button' and save the pic in the websites folder.

I used the '&disable_rightclick'(this would prevent anyone from downloading it from the browser'

I also needed to stop users from simply typing the url in to get the pic. So i used...&pic_use_imagemask=`1`

To get the pics to appear as a 'Hexagon' i used the 'ImageMask' above and assigned a png file to it.

Here is a pic showing where i have to upload the pics (form) which hasn't been styled yet (for end user purpose)

Here is a pic showing what the thumbnails would appear like on one of the pages...

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