Monday, 2 May 2011

Artefact 5 - Evaluation

My fifth artefact looked into the effect of the scrollable type navigation on an app for a hand-held device; which was identified in artefact 3. This artefact looked into testing this type of navigation within an app on a hand-held device.

The design and structure was taken forward from artefact 3 where i added additional content to form a complete design. The app was built using Flash Builder along with actionscript 3; which consists of six pages reflecting the content provided from the we7 website.

The app was tested on an android mobile (HTC Desire) and an emulator (Android SDK). I recorded me using the app so I could further analyse for rectifying errors later. From initially testing the app I found several issues with the usability of the finished product. These were the following; there was not enough surface area to push the buttons on; this could have been solved with adding a ‘hit’ area within Flash. Some of the other issues included; slow loading time and missing stop frames on certain pages. The main element was the music player which was created as means of playing music from we7, which would sync with your playlist. Due to the timeframe and skills within app creation, I was only able to produce part of the music player.

The artefact was followed up with a focus group consisting of four people; this aided in outlining several key issues regarding the app’s usability. Main points identified were that the app needed an ‘introduction page’; which would have helped with informing users about certain elements of the app e.g. how to use it. From the results identified, I can progress on with editing the app and producing the final artefact where I will be testing against the we7 website.

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